Social media has become an amazing way for you to reconnect with old friends, stay in touch with those who live far away and make new ones. During your divorce, social media can be as bad as it can be good if you are not careful. Always remember that once it is on the internet, it is there forever, and you should be careful what you post, particularly during divorce. The following checklist can help you determine if you should post something online, simply wait out the emotions or talk about them to someone in person.
Is it true?
It is easy to hit share or comment on something that expresses your feelings, but if it is not true, it should not be spread. Never make false accusations or claims on social media that you cannot back up with facts. Always check your sources before posting, and keep the private parts of your divorce just that: private.
Would your mother approve?
It may seem old-fashioned, but if your mom or grandma would not approve of what you are about to say, it is a good sign that you should hold off. Before you post something, always think of the backlash that may come from attacking someone else online. Even when you are right, you may look unstable if you are constantly ranting online.
Do you want it to be recorded forever?
Posts can be taken down and pictures can be removed, but once it is on the internet, there is a record of it forever. These records can be found, printed off and used against you in court if necessary. During a divorce, you need every bit of help you can get, and posting the wrong things may seriously set your case back. If you do not want it to be available forever, say it to someone in person.
Does it match who you want to be?
If the court needs to evaluate your reputation and character during your divorce case, how do your social media accounts make you look? The judge may need to make a credibility call, and you never want yours to be in question.
Do you need a break?
When all else fails and you are not sure if you should post something, take a break from the emotion and come back to it later. Chances are good the emotions will be muted and you will not want to post. If you have questions about how to handle your social media accounts during a divorce, consult a lawyer today.