Many people incorrectly believe a Minnesota divorce must include a bitter court battle. Thankfully, today’s options often allow families to avoid the courtroom, maintain privacy and obtain an equitable settlement. The American Bar Association states that collaborative...
Year: 2021
Updating your estate plan amid divorce
After you create your estate plan, certain circumstances may warrant giving it a thorough review. A divorce is one such circumstance, and there are certain areas of your estate plan you may want to revisit when you split from your husband or wife. When you divorce...
How can you tell if your ex is alienating you from your children?
Following a divorce, your children may have complex feelings about their parents. It is normal for children to critique you. They may be angry or hurt by the breakup. However, when alienation occurs, your children will unjustly criticize you. Web MD describes parental...
How are child support orders enforced?
The courts may order parents to pay child support as part of their divorce settlements. In some cases, however, parents may be unable or may refuse to pay. Parents failing to meet their support obligations may affect custodial parents’ ability to provide for their...
What is a funeral preneed?
Any time you invest in estate planning, it is important to remember why. You plan your estate to reduce the burden on your future and the future of your loved ones. This happens by detailing your will or establishing trusts for the assets you want to protect. Another...
Taking a look at child support payment methods
If you have to pay child support, or you are getting a divorce and expect to pay support in the near future, you need to go over different issues related to these obligations. Aside from understanding how courts calculate child support and preparing for monthly...
How can I improve communication with my co-parent?
For a multitude of reasons, managing joint custody is a challenge. Particularly if you and your ex-spouse are not on the best of terms, you might be struggling with the best way to communicate effectively with him or her. Like with many things involving communication,...
3 back-to-school tips for coparents
You may have never pictured yourself getting divorced and sharing custody of your children with your former spouse. But this is a reality for many couples attempting to coparent their children. According to the American Psychological Association, between 40 and 50% of...
Choosing a health care agent
In addition to creating advance care directives, such as a living will, people may consider naming a health care agent. Should an injury or illness incapacitate them, so they cannot make decisions or communicate their preferences, a health care agent may make medical...
What do you know about changing child support orders?
For a while, the child support order you worked out with your former spouse worked well. Recent changes in your life or finances now make you wonder whether to change your child support order. Money Crashers discusses how and when to alter child support. You do not...
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