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Dittrich Law Firm, P.A.

What should you put into your nesting agreement?

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2022 | Custody & Visitation

If you have children, you probably also have some concerns about how they will react to the news of your divorce. After all, according to Psychology Today, divorce can cause kids to develop severe abandonment issues. They may also experience anger, depression and even behavioral problems.

Providing a stable environment for your children may help to minimize the emotional and psychological consequences that come with the end of your marriage. Therefore, it may be advantageous to consider nesting for at least the first few months after your divorce.

What is nesting?

Nesting is a comparatively new way to help kids cope with divorce. With nesting, your children remain in the family home, while you and your spouse live there during your scheduled parenting time. When you are off-duty, you and your former husband or wife of you live somewhere else.

What is a nesting agreement?

Nesting naturally can be fraught, as you and your ex-spouse must share a common space even when the other person is not physically there. Consequently, it is advisable to negotiate a nesting agreement. This agreement simply outlines each parent’s rights and responsibilities.

Your nesting agreement may include one or more of the following provisions:

  • Who has the right to occupy the family home at any given time
  • Who pays for the upkeep of the property
  • Who buys groceries, furnishings and other items for the home
  • Who completes chores and other household duties

While nesting is not always the right approach, it can help children adjust to divorce. Ultimately, if you want to give nesting a try, having a comprehensive nesting agreement may improve your chances of success.

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