You and spouse have decided a Minnesota divorce is best for you both and agreed upon who gets the house and who gets the 401(s). However, the idea of working out a parenting plan seems overwhelming and complicated. We often work with clients in creating a schedule that meets the best needs of their child.
According to the Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, a child custody order is unnecessary when both parties agree to a parenting plan. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Make your child the priority
You likely have a different relationship with your child than your spouse does. Take that into consideration when scheduling visitation times. The change in living arrangements is stressful enough. Changing the relationship due to poor planning can damage their confidence.
Young children typically spend more time at home than teenagers. Keep this in mind when deciding how much time he or she must spend at your house or your ex’s. Forcing time together can make the entire situation feel combative instead of loving.
Build flexibility into the plan
Planning for summer vacation, school breaks and special events can make creating a schedule challenging. Instead of setting it in stone, consider setting a date for you both to sit down and evaluate the current schedule and make modifications. This can avoid misunderstandings and help keep the flexibility your child may need.
Ongoing, open communication is critical. Decide on what form of communication works best and stick with it, whether it is email, phone calls or letters. If the situation changes and you need an official parenting plan modification, you may require specific documentation for the court’s approval.