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Dittrich Law Firm, P.A.

How should you use social media during your divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2023 | Blog, Divorce

If you are like most people, social media is part of your daily life. You may use these sites to entertain yourself, connect with others, stay updated with friends and family members, learn about new topics and more.

According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 7 out of 10 Americans use social media in some form. Although social media may be part of your normal daily life, you should reevaluate how you use these sites if you are going through the divorce process.

Update your passwords

Although you may not think your former spouse will try to access your social media profiles during the divorce process, do not take this risk. As soon as you decide to get divorced, update the passwords on all of your social media accounts with new ones.

Change your privacy settings

In addition to changing the passwords on your accounts, you should also look at the privacy settings on your accounts. Change your permissions so that no one else can share information about you or post pictures on your profiles without your prior consent.

Refrain from oversharing

Divorce can be a frustrating and emotionally draining experience. Although you may want to vent about what you are going through online, do not complain about your spouse on your social media profiles. Instead, vent to a friend, family member or counselor.

If you struggle with using social media during your divorce, consider taking some time off from these sites. Once you finalize your divorce, think carefully about how you will use these sites in your daily life moving forward.

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