Whether you count on child support payments from your ex or you have to make payments, make sure you understand your rights. From pursuing enforcement due to the other parent's failure to pay to paying arrears as a result of falling behind, the way you approach child...
Child Support
Does parenting time affect child support payments?
Whether married or not, when parents separate, it can have a detrimental effect on the time they spend with their children. In fact, the National Conference of State Legislators reports that when these splits occur, 70% of parents do not have a court-ordered schedule...
Does the child support payment formula vary by state?
When most reports provide examples of child support payments, they use a similar formula. However, each state regulates child support payments, so do they all use a federal formula or do they create their own to determine your payments? CBS News explains that each...
What are the two methods of modifying a child support order?
Modifying your child support order may be a necessity due to a change in your circumstances. Sometimes, however, you and your co-parent may agree that a modification is in a child's interests even if there is no change in circumstances that requires it. State law...
How does the court calculate child support?
Child support may get a bad reputation, but if you consider its goal, it is admirable. The whole idea behind support is to uphold the responsibility you have to your children to support them financially. The court tries to assess a fair amount of support that will not...
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